mgchoi provides this privacy policy to protect your personal information and to facilitate the handling of complaints related to your personal information.

If we revise our Privacy Policy, we will post the changes via the applicable Privacy Policy page and, if we require collection and use consent, we will ask for consent to the changes within Paste Wallet.

This policy is effective September 11, 2023 (KST).

1. Purpose Of Processing Personal Data

  1. mgchoi processes personal information to maintain and administer your eligibility to use the Paste Wallet service.
  2. mgchoi processes personal information for the purpose of verifying your identity and complaints, contacting and notifying you for fact-finding, and notifying you of processing results in order to handle your complaints.
  3. mgchoi collects and processes personal information that is necessary to provide the Paste Wallet service to you.

2. Collected Personal Data

  1. (Required) Pass code: To encrypt/ decrypt information saved on user’s device.
  2. (Optional) Credit card: To provide a storage and easy copy feature for user’s credit card number. Never used for payment and securely saved in the device/ iCloud.
  3. (Optional) Bank Account: To provide a storage and easy copy feature for user’s bank account number. Never used for payment and securely saved in the device/ iCloud.

3. Retention Of Personal Data

mgchoi processes and retains the personal data for the following periods.

Semi-permanent (until the application and iCloud data is deleted)

4. Destruction Of Personal Data

All personal information that mgchoi collects to provide the Paste Wallet service is managed on the operating system and iCloud storage. It does not transferred outside of the service.

If you wish to destroy your personal information in order to exercise your privacy rights, you can accomplish this by uninstalling the Paste Wallet service from your device and removing data from your iCloud account.

However, some data may not be completely removed by the system when the app is deleted. In this case, you can completely erase the data by resetting the operating system or manually deleting the data.

5. Privacy Measures

To ensure the safety of your personal information, mgchoi does not utilize networks to transfer data externally.